Can the project be done with the technical resources available? Some things are currently not possible or feasible with current technology. For example accurate speech recognition is not possible nor is being able to do facial recognition in any environment. This means that projects which have these types of requirements would not be technically feasible.

However what is more likely to cause problems is if the devilment team do not have the technical skills needed to produce the requirements. For example if you need an expert in SQL for the project but did not have this resource then the project would not be possible.

Every developer will, when they join the company, fill in a skills audit to show what technologies they can work in. The project manager would then look through this list when deciding on who to take onto the project. Therefore if there is no one with the correct skill base or they are not available (as they are on another project) then the project cannot go ahead.

Developers will, as they go on, update the skills audit as they develop new skills. Also they will make update when they go on training courses. This is a major focus for a lot of developers as they tend to pride themselves on having detailed and ranged technical knowledge.