The lifecycle starts when a problem is identified within a organisation. The customer will identify, or have identified for them, a problem with either their existing system or a need for an additional system. At this point very little will be known about the system other than there is a perceived need for it. The developer will be called in to have an initial meeting.

Meeting will occur between the developer and the customer.


The initial meeting is critical for both the customer and developer. The customer must be reassured that the developer can deliver what they require. The developer needs to decide whether they want to take the project on or not. It is common for customers to have unrealistic view on what is required for the new system. It is also common for the customer not to fully understand what the new system will require. As such it is important for both parties to agree on the scope of the project at this stage. Unbounded projects are guaranteed to fail as there will be no way to differentiate from what the customer requires and what they do not.